Quick Door Hanger Bracket

Door Installation Brackets
The Quick Door Hanger is a Multi-Patented door installation system.

The Quick Door Hanger
The Quick Door Hanger Bracket is a patented door installation system. This fail proof system allows for quick and hassle free door installation for beginners to pros! Whether you are a beginner or a pro, this is simply the easiest and fastest way of hanging professional doors that are perfectly plumb and have a perfect reveal. Up to 5x faster than shimming a door!
Works on Hollow-Core & Heavy Solid-Core Doors!
No Shimming Required. Up to 5x faster than shimming!
Installs doors perfectly level & plumb, with easy adjustment for professional installs!
Zero nailing through the door jamb/frame, so there are no nail holes to patch after install!
Door casing/trim completely conceals the brackets, you place your trim right over them with zero interference!
Install a door in as little as 4 minutes!
Single Door

Double Door